Erin Bigler Administrative Internship
Do what you feel in your heart to be right–for you’ll be criticized anyway. —Eleanor Roosevelt
Administrative Portfolio
Artifacts Organized by Competency
Welcome to my administrative portfolio, a unique webpage here for you to explore. The experiences and opportunities I've gained throughout this time have added such value to my life, both personally and professionally. I am eager to share my passions and projects with you. Read on, and enjoy.
Virtual Learning (Special Education) PLC Team Lead
Served as the learning Supports Team Chair
Member of School Improvement Planning Team
Served as the ATPPS coordinator, planned and led the fall 2021 professional development day.
Professional Growth
Culturally Responsive Training
Intercultural Development Inventory
16 Personalities Test
Onward Book Study
Organizational Management
Master Schedule Creation
Took part in spring staffing meetings
Helped principal with allocation of staff​/sections
Participated in staffing presentations for teams
Attended 1:1 meetings for dismissal of staff members due to budgetary cuts/reduction of hours
Summer School Coordinator: Organized summer staff training and oversaw the startup of the summer program
Planned the procedure for end of year VLA Materials Pickup Day
Policy and Law
Policy & Law Class: Current Legal Issue Paper
Assisted with disciplinary procedures for staff & students
Attended Washington County Washington County Training for School Resource Officers & Administrators
Conducted MCA Regulations Training
Took part in covid logistics planning with school leadership team
Learned about the district bullying policy
Political Influence & Governance
Participated in the Cottage Grove Elementary Levy for Learning team, to promote awareness and communicate information for the fall election.
Utilized democratic decision making framework to help guide schoolwide PD and other building decisions
Attended and presented information at school board meetings ​
Created various types of email correspondence, newsletter components, and held meetings with teachers to support topics around curriculum, assessment, and instruction.
Created videos for students and families to support many of the transitions that came with distance learning.
Conducted many phone calls with families and local community members related to student support.
Conducted professional development and training in a variety of modalities:
Face-to-face meetings
Virtual Meetings
Screen Recorded (flipped PD)
Podcast creation
Community Relations
Organized a Bike Safety Program for our summer school program.
Served as a literacy tutor for our Native American Connections program and attended cultural events with the the group.
Connected with many local businesses to help plan and support the spring 2021 teacher appreciation activities for CGES staff.
Partnered with district leadership, students, and families to create teacher appreciation videos for virtual teaching staff.
Attended PTO Meetings and schoolwide events (Culver's Nights, Breakfast and Books, Virtual Learning Nights, Homecoming, Athletic Events)
During distance learning, planned a schoolwide virtual author visit with children's author, Kao Kalia Yang.
Additionally, helped plan an illustrator visit with Billy Thao for our kindergarten class.​
Assisted teachers with utilizing zoom/google meet tools in order to host a virtual open house night
Curriculum, Instruction, & Assessment
Authored the district's 2nd grade math scope and sequence document, designed to accommodate multiple formats of learning (hybrid, virtual, and in person learners)
Schoolwide Assessment Lead - coordinated training, scheduling, and administration of the following tests:
MAP, MCA, HOPE Scale (GT)​
Created and shared various instructional coaching projects to inspire teachers to apply best practice and implement new instructional strategies
Coaching Menus​
Finish Strong Staff Challenge
Classroom Coaching Opportunities
Provided support around collecting, organizing and interpreting assessment data
Data Review for ATPPS Day
Creation of data room
Personalized data spreadsheets for teachers
Led multiple Equity PD sessions for our instructional staff (based on Zaretta Hammond's Culturally Responsive Teaching & The Brain)
Human Resource Management
Conducted evaluations for continuing contract and probationary staff members. Also conducted informal observations of classroom teaching staff.
Physical Education Teacher
Continuing Contract
Peer Observation​s & Classroom Walkthroughs
Interview Experience
Participated on school's interview committee for several positions
Elementary Specialist
Elementary Literacy Interventionist
High School Intervention & Political Science Teacher
High School SpanishScreener
Administered and scored the HumanX Ventures candidate screener, prior to hiring potential candidate
- Assisted principal with conducting reference checks, prior to hiring a candidate
Attended ongoing meetings with HR staff, assistant superintendent and principal regarding spring staffing timeline and allocation of FTE for next school year.
Determining Sections
Releasing Staff (budget cuts)​
Received district training on new online evaluation tool (Frontline Professional Development Software) and the updated substitute teacher system: Teachers-On-Call (the new substitute system)
Utilized various types of Staff & Student Feedback to help make democratic decisions
Feedback from PD​
Staff/Student input for fall planning
​Attended Parent Meetings surrounding various student concerns:​
Course Acceleration
Through the ethics course at SMUMN, created an ethics presentation that modeled a decision making framework based on the work of Rushworth Kidder
Assisted with conducting investigations regarding sexual harassment and incidents of racism at the high school level
Presented multiple trainings and book studies on culturally responsive teaching practices in order to foster a more inclusive school environment four our underserved student population
Judgement & Problem Analysis
Formulated a system to collect teacher feedback around scope/sequence work
School Improvement Team/Leadership Team Work
SIP Goal Identification
Progress Monitoring of specific student populations
Identifying staff needs and creating a school-wide PD Focus
Data analysis
Assisted with formulating and implementing guided reading expectations for staff
Used a framework for decision making​ to identify barriers to instructional goals
Concept Mapping
Classroom Walkthroughs
Planned supportive/responsive PD based on staff need
Participated in multiple role-playing scenarios during the SMUMN student management course
Collaborated with classroom teachers to support diverse learning needs through instructional coaching and modeling of skills and strategies
Worked with families, students, and staff to plan proactive responses to various issues that arose in summer school:
Classroom schedules​
Staff conflicts
Student Behavioral Needs
Safety & Security
Helped facilitate lockdown drills at M.E.S.
Responded to real emergency scenarios during summer school
Hazardous outdoor conditions
Playground Injuries
Summer School
Established Arrival/Dismissal Procedures
Managed the approved parent pickup list for carpool students
Trained staff up updated covid safety protocols
System Leaders Meeting
Received training on the situation report manual & required reporting process​ for various school emergencies
Receiving training on updated lockdown procedures
Created a Mandatory Reporter Training within coursework at SMUMN.
Instructional Leadership
Organized many types of professional development for teaching staff (virtual and face-to-face) focused on literacy, math, and culturally responsive teaching
Developed PLC agendas and regularly attended grade level PLC meetings. Also served as PLC lead for the virtual learning academy special education teachers.
Trained and practiced implementing Jim Knight's Impact Cycle instructional coaching framework
Provided teachers with instructional feedback during classroom observations
Spent time co-teaching and modeling literacy lessons for teachers who requested specific support during a coaching cycle
Furthered my own learning through book studies centered on coaching and pursued certifications in the area of instructional technology
Monitoring Student Learning
Led our school through a data review and goal setting process as the ATPPS coordinator.
Coached several new teachers in using the Benchmark Assessment System for reading
Analyzing Running Records
Served as a member of the CGES School-wide Intervention Support Team
Created student referral form​ to help track student information
Supported many teams in viewing and analyzing multiple literacy data points
Created a literacy data wall for K-5 teams within our PLC meeting space​
Provided specific training and support on the Dreambox Math platform, allowing teams to more effectively monitor student progress in mathematics standards
PreK-12 Leadership
Collaborated on resources to support Standards Based Instruction
Participated in the Literacy CCRT team for the district
Had opportunities to attend out-of-district PD events to strengthen professional learning network and learn more about schools outside my district
ISTE 2021
Metro Instructional Coaching Summer (Spring 2021)
Collaborated with MS and HS instructional coaches to create an end-of-year staff challenge that reinforced district-wide PD concepts throughout the year (The "Finish Strong Challenge")
Participated in transition planning teams:
Course accelleration
5th grade Middle School Transition Planning​
9th grade HS orientation days
Learned more about gifted/talented education by participating in training and implementation of the H.O.P.E. scale