Erin Bigler Administrative Internship
Do what you feel in your heart to be right–for you’ll be criticized anyway. —Eleanor Roosevelt
Summary of Hours
The following is a summary of hours completed throughout my internship experience. To read through my hours journal and learn more about my experiences, click here.
Total Hours Completed, K-12:
Hours By Level:
Elementary: 282.5. (68.1%)
Middle School: 65 (15.7%)
High School: 67.5 (16.3%)
Hours By Competency:
Leadership: 334
Organizational Management: 338.5
Equity: 323
Policy & Law: 125
Political Influence & Governance: 187.5
Communication: 380
Community Relations: 253
Curriculum, Instruction, & Assessment: 335
Human Resource Management: 156.5
Ethics: 251.5
Judgment & Problem Analysis: 305.5
Safety and Security: 206
Instructional Leadership: 245.5
Monitoring Student Learning: 351
PreK-12 Leadership: 379.5