This is my journey
"Somewhere ages and ages hence: Two roads diverged in a wood, and I— I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the...
Erin Bigler Administrative Internship
Do what you feel in your heart to be right–for you’ll be criticized anyway. —Eleanor Roosevelt
Bruce Santerre
Site Visits:
Visit #1 - April 20th, 2021
People in attendance: Erin Bigler, Arthur Williams, Bruce Santerre
Agenda Items Discussed: (Link to agenda here)
Requirements for hours
Review of hours log
Discussion of competencies and goals for growth
Visit #2 - August 25th, 2021
People in attendance: Erin Bigler, Arthur Williams, Bruce Santerre
Agenda Items Discussed: (Full Agenda Here)
Reflection of experience so far
Areas for growth/improvement
Evaluation Forms
Review of hours
Goals (areas for growth)
Preview of portfolio
Visit #3 - Wednesday, October 6th, 2021
People in attendance: Erin Bigler, Brian Boothe, Bruce Santerre
Agenda Items Discussed
Reflection on high school experience
Student/adult supervision at extra curricular events
Staff disciplinary procedures
Interviewing/Hiring Process
Preview of portfolio
Discussion of exit interview presentation
Middleton Elementary is a K-5 school that serves approximately 667 students in the South Washington County school district.
Site Administrator/Advisor: Arthur Williams
Internship Dates: January-October 2021.
Administrative Duties:
Lead Testing coordinator (MAP, MCA, CoGAT, HOPE Scale)
Provided Instructional Coaching
Planned and led professional development sessions
Led & participated in PLCs
Served as lead instructional coach for virtual learning academy special education teachers
Member of the Middleton Leadership Team for School wide Improvement Planning Process
Co-Chair of Instructional Leadership Team
Orchestrated end of year material collection process for virtual learning students
Served on the curriculum content review team for K-5 ELA (district-wide)
Assisted with staff evaluations and observations
Lake Middle School is a public school serving students in grades 6-8 in the South Washington County School District. There are approximately 1,100 students who attend this school. I also spent a significant amount of time at the Hidden Oaks-Twin Oaks Middle school campus in the Prior Lake-Savage School district. These are also public schools, situated on a joint campus, serving approximately 1,000 students in grades 6-8 (in each school).
Site Administrator/Advisor: : Molly Roeske (Sowashco), Sasha Kuznetsov (PL-Savage)
Internship Dates: January-October 2021 (Sowashco), March 2021 (PL-Savage)
Administrative Duties:
Attended mental health team meetings
Conducted home visits for virtual learning students
Assisted with master scheduling
Provided student supervision at athletic events
Collaborated with instructional coaches
Lunchroom supervision
Conducted classroom walkthroughs and informal observations
Created a professional development PodCast episode
Observed student disciplinary meetings
Attended district-wide leadership retreat and other administrative professional development opportunities focused on substance abuse and equity
East Ridge High School is a public school serving students in grades 9-12 in the South Washington County School District. There are approximately 1,900 students who attend this school.
Site Administrator/Advisor: : Brian Boothe (AP)
Internship Dates: January-October 2021
Administrative Duties:
Conducted Interviews and screenings for hiring process
Assisted with fall student orientation activities
Provided student supervision at athletic events
Collaborated with instructional coaches
Lunchroom, and arrival/dismissal supervision
Conducted classroom walkthroughs and informal observations
Participated in staff development regarding standardized testing
Observed a mental health meeting regarding student concerns with AP and school social worker
Attended district-wide leadership retreat and other administrative professional development opportunities focused on substance abuse and equity.
Created classroom resources focused on social emotional learning and promoting classroom culture
Thanks for your interest in my work. For more information, feel free to get in touch and I will get back to you soon!